16 October

Hello, you beautiful people!

I’ve decided to write a blog.

Of course this blog.

Why you may ask?

Well you know when your lying in bed trying to get to sleep but you end up staring at the ceiling frustrated because you are so tired yet cannot seem to fall asleep with all of the thoughts running through your head.

And it goes on and on and on!!

Well that is how I am feeling right now!

I have so many thoughts and feelings (some bad, some good) that I feel like I am going to explode if I don’t blurt them out.

When I was younger I had a diary. And this diary was VERY private and personal to me. It was my baby. It would literally have what happened in school to what boy I had a crush on to I hate my life (bit dramatic but I was a teenager). And I look back on it even today and release how much fun I was having and yet I wasn’t happy with life.

I struggled a lot with anxiety when I was younger and it affected my life really. I always cared about what people thought of me, how many friends I had and why I looked the way I did. I would never stick up for myself and always put other people’s feelings first before my own.

But not anymore!!

This blog is going to be completely anonymous.

So I can truly be myself for once and blurt all of my feelings and thoughts out.

So you can call me Autumn.

It would be extremely cool if you join me for this journey we are about to go on.

This is where we can totally be ourselves.

No judgement or negativity just positive vibes and honesty.

I also loveeeeeee taking photos, they just make me feel instantly happy and warm my heart, so I will be posting loads of photos too.

Well it is time to get back to the real world now! Thank you so much for reading and let me know what is on your mind in the comments below.

Love Autumn xxx

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