Friday Reflection…

22 October Happy Friday Everyone!!!! Well today is a reflection day for me. Even though I have nothing to do, I’ve still surprisingly had a busy week. I had a meeting with my Job coach this week and it went extremely well. (If you haven’t read my other blogs, I have been struggling to getContinue reading “Friday Reflection…”

Late Night Thoughts….

20 October I’m sitting in bed trying to get to sleep and the thoughts are again flowing through my brain.I just had a reality check. I’ve got no job, no money, no friends, no partner. Like let’s be real what is going for me. Absolutely nothing at this point.I feel lost.And I have been feelingContinue reading “Late Night Thoughts….”

16 October

Hello, you beautiful people! I’ve decided to write a blog. Of course this blog. Why you may ask? Well you know when your lying in bed trying to get to sleep but you end up staring at the ceiling frustrated because you are so tired yet cannot seem to fall asleep with all of theContinue reading “16 October”