Focusing on our breathing…

18 October

Hello you beautiful people!

Before you do this exercises write down your worries right now, whatever it is that is bothering you. (Do this either in the comments or on a piece of paper, whatever you are comfortable with).


Take one deep breathe in through your nose, close your eyes, hold it for a heartbeat and then breathe out from your mouth.

Do this 5 times.


How do you feel?

Do you feel better, A bit more at ease?

We all feel a bit stressed and anxious at times, but we always have to remember to focus on our breathing in that moment in time, to calm ourselves down and teach ourselves not to worry.

Everything always turns out ok.

So why do we panic?

I remember when I split up with my ex boyfriend and I didn’t see him for a month but I had to pick up my stuff I left at his house.

I remember the journey really well. I was listening to “Do you f*****g mind” podcast on Spotify.

Which by the way is a great podcast to listen to if you are feeling really low in yourself, struggling with self-love and also have gone through a break up.

And I was fine.

No anxiety, no worries.

It is only when I got round the corner from his house, It hit me. I started to panic and I felt my body go numb. I felt as if I was going to have a panic attack.

But I just sat, closed my eyes, breathed and told myself everything was going to be OK.

I sat there for 5 minutes. Calming myself down. Telling myself that I can do it.

And guess what.

I done it, I was completely fine and I was so proud of myself.

So what I am saying is….

If you ever feel anxious, nervous, panicky and feel as if your body is going numb.

Don’t fight it! Just let it be.

Just sit in the moment and say “OK I feel anxious and that is OK”

Focus on your breathing.

And keep repeating.

And I promise you, you will be fine.

You will feel as if nothing can stop you.

And you will teach yourself to control your thoughts, anxiety and body.

Just believe you can do it, and you will.

I would love for you to do this when you feel this way and report back in the comments. Tell everyone your experience. And also if you have any tips and tricks that everyone can use to help them, write them in the comments.

We can all help each other out.

Remember you are never alone and other people probably feel the way you do.

Love Autumn xxx

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